“In Between Spaces” offers a deeply personal journey through the nuanced concept of home, portrayed through a series of images that capture the essence of departure, resilience, and transformation. From the initial departure to the imminent farewell after seven years of forging new connections, this project delves into the emotional intricacies of leaving behind the familiar while embracing the unknown. Through landscapes, intimate portraits, and candid moments, the visual narrative unfolds, revealing the profound attachment we form with spaces and the enduring quest to find solace amidst displacement. With departure looming within a month, each image brims with the urgency of farewell and the quiet anticipation of new beginnings, inviting viewers to reflect on their own journeys of building and leaving home. Revealing the urgency of farewell and the quiet anticipation of new beginnings, each image encapsulates the essence of departure and renewal.

2023 Mursal Mohammadi/VII Academy

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